Wednesday, July 14, 2010


When is it appropriate to integrate technology? I believe it is appropriate to integrate technology when it will improve learning outcomes, motivate students, and demonstrate an idea in a way that was previously impossible. I feel it is not appropriate to use technology as a babysitter in a classroom or soley as a reward. This type of technology abuse seems as though we are taking it for granted. Using technology is a priveledge. Students need to learn how computers can help them learn, not just play games, take quizzes or complete drill/practice activities. Technology can suppliment a rigorous cirriculumn and open up new possibilities in education.


  1. Cassie,

    That is a good question! The use of technology is growing more and more everyday, but we have to make sure we use it and don't abuse it. You are right it is a priveledge and shouldn't be used as a babysitter.
    If the technology can somehow impact the students' learning it is alright to integrate it into the lesson. Then we have to take into consideration the rules and restrictions in using some technology such as the internet. We have to take the time to teach students how to search in the internet, what is appropriate and what isn't. Also how to site references and figure out what references are credible or not.
    Along with learning and integrating technology comes great responsibility, but if integrated correctly the outcome could be success!

  2. Too many times, technology is used as a babysitter, to provide entertainment and create some down-time. But without facilitation, not much is learned. Sometimes schools go crazy for the latest, snazziest piece of technology; but the uses are limited, particularly with the lack of teacher training that appears to be common these days. Hopefully, we all can be advocates to adjust this trend!
