Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pros and Cons of Blogging in the Classroom

To extend what Jeff has already mentioned in his post about the Pros and Cons of blogging, students who have access to a school-based blog are publishing for a real audience. This usually inspires them to try harder and put more effort into their work. Additionally, the technical aspect of blogging caters to the current generation, born into a time of pervasive technology use. In other words, most students should easily adapt to blogging like a fish adapts to water.

On the other hand, it does take some time to start up a classroom blog, as well as maintain it. Ideally, the students become self-sufficient, but that doesn’t mean the teacher can stop checking in on the appropriateness and relevancy of the posts. Also, the teacher has to take into account the access that the students have at home. If they are expected to post something over the weekend, the teacher needs to guarantee that all students have access to a computer for that time. With the economy the way that it is, the teacher should be prepared with some alternatives for those students who can’t afford a computer at home. Regardless, if the technology is there, it couldn’t hurt to try!

1 comment:

  1. Blogging does take a committment by the teachers and students. It is an excellent tool for communicating, but you must also be flexible with timing, frequency, and who has access to the technology. It may be difficult to make blogging a requirement for all participants. Michelle, your suggestion about the teacher having an alternative for those who do not have access to the internet is imperative.
