Thursday, June 24, 2010


Can you see me?


  1. The blog looks great. Thanks for starting it! I think our weekly postings begin the week of 6/28. It states we should blog a few times a week. He provided some guidance of what we can discuss in Week 3 Conference area.
    Look forward to talking.

  2. Technology Integration - Technology is an amazing way to engage students. In some areas of education, technology access is not equally distributed, which limits what some areas could do if they had the resources. For example, in art, the use of a document camera would allow for the use of art history books to display relevant images, instead of the costly prints that teachers spend the majority of their budget on. Also, this technology would allow for demonstrations to be seen more easily by the entire class, instead of just at one table for demonstration. However, currently, the document cameras are housed by classroom teachers and have priority over the use of the equipment. Classroom teachers at the elementary level do teach all core academic area, thus justifying their housing of the equipment, however, specialists could also benefit from the integration of advanced technologies in their classrooms as well.

  3. Technology integration is a great topic! We all know that technology has become a huge part of our teaching world. The document cameras have become a big integration in the Elementary area. Last year a lot of the teachers got a document camera for their classroom. They used them for everything and every subject. I think that is the good thing about the document cameras they are versatile.

    In my opinion integrating technology has opened up more opportunities for our students as well as for teachers. Students can show their knowledge on more than just paper. Technology is a more constructivist way for students to learn. Teachers can also expand how they teach certain content.

    The only thing that is tough in integrating technology is making sure we are doing it in an effective way.
    When is it appropriate to integrate technology?

  4. It seems that you have covered technology integration very well so far. I would like to add some parts about kinesthetic learning and technology. Through my experience, the interactive whiteboard "smartboard" combined with a computer and projector is a great source of motivation for students. Students play math games interactively in front of the class and the class holds competitions amongst itself over certain mathematical skills. Games/competitions that we do range from skills of basic arithmetic to skills needed in algebra.

    Another great use of the interactive whiteboard in math is to allow students to present and explain their work. If corrections need to be made, other students have the ability to highlight the area(s) of interest and then elaborate upon them in different colors to explain any corrections needed. This form of peer tutoring helps clarify problems and self-assures students who are performing the task correctly.

  5. Other forms of technology have proven to be helpful in my classroom. The use of an AV system to amplify the teacher's voice and minimize background noises has been amazing in my noisy art room. There are also newer applicatations in the I Phone and I Pad that have been helpful for students with communication issues, such as Grace, which links photos to words for children with Autism. It works on the IPhone, ITouch, or IPad. Amazing as it allows students to communication, when otherwise they may not. Assistive technology makes life somewhat easier for many people with disabilites. I wish it was more readily available for these idividuals.

  6. When is it appropriate to integrate technology? I believe it is appropriate to integrate technology when it will improve learning outcomes, motivate students, and demonstrate an idea in a way that was previously impossible. I feel it is not appropriate to use technology as a babysitter in a classroom or soley as a reward. This type of technology abuse seems as though we are taking it for granted. Using technology is a priveledge. Students need to learn how computers can help them learn, not just play games, take quizzes or complete drill/practice activities. Technology can suppliment a rigorous cirriculumn and open up new possibilities in education.
